Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012
Pope prays Vespers in Sistine Chapel to mark 500th anniversary
The Sistine Chapel turns 500: A journey through Michelangelo's priceless frescoes
Lumen Christi: A New Pew Book for the Ordinary Form
This book is being highly praised and has the potential to greatly enrich the Ordinary Form of the Mass.
Read more at the New Liturgical Movement Blog:
New Liturgical Movement
Read more at the New Liturgical Movement Blog:
New Liturgical Movement
All Saints/All Souls Solemn Masses in Toronto
For information on All Saints Day and All Souls Day Masses in the Extraordinary Form at Loretto Abbey, Toronto and St. Isaac Jocques Parish, Pickering go to the Vox Cantoris website by clicking here:
All Saints/ All Souls Solemn Masses in Toronto
All Saints/ All Souls Solemn Masses in Toronto
October 31st- Blessed Angelo of Acri- First Order Capuchin Franciscan 1669-1739
Blessed Angelo was born at Acri, Italy, he was refused admission to the Capuchins twice but was accepted on his third attempt in 1690, and was ordained. Unsuccessful in his first sermons, he eventually became a famous preacher after a tremendous success preaching in Naples during Lent in 1711. For the rest of his life, he preached missions in Calabria and Naples, converting thousands and performing many miracles of healing. He was reputed to have had the gifts of prophecy and bilocation, experienced visions and ecstasies and was a sought after confessor with the ability to see into men's souls. He died in the friary at Acri on October 30, and was beatified in 1825. (Source: Catholic Online)
The Secular Franciscan Order National Bulletin for October
The Secular Franciscan Order National Bulletin for October is available at the following link:
Click here: October Secular Franciscan National Bulletin
Click here: October Secular Franciscan National Bulletin
All Hallows Eve- Vigil of All Saints
The earliest form of "All Hallows'" was first celebrated in the 300s, but originally took place on 13 May. The Feast first commemorated only the martyrs, but then came to include all of the Saints by 741. It was transferred to 1 November in 844 when Pope Gregory III consecrated a chapel in St. Peter's Basilica to All Saint.
It was an English Catholic tradition to go begging from door to door on All Hallows Eve, the earlier and more pure form of "trick-or-treating." Children would go about begging their neighbors for a "Soul Cake," for which they would say a prayer for those neighbors' dead. Instead of trick or treat, the children would say either
A Soul Cake, a Soul Cake,
have mercy on all Christian souls for a soul cake!
Soul, soul, an apple or two,
If you haven't an apple, a pear will do,
One for Peter, two for Paul,
Three for the Man Who made us all.
For us Franciscans November 29 is when we remember our dead and the saints of the three orders. This is the Feast of All Saints of the Franciscan Order. On this day it is a custom to recite the Litany of Franciscan Saints.
Traditional Soul Cakes

A Prayer on All Hallows Eve
God, we thank you for life. We thank you for those who have lived with us and now because of your goodness live in a new way in a new place. This is a season of grief and remembrance and sadness. But because of the victory of Jesus over death, it is not a season for fear or despair. We have hope, because of Jesus’ resurrection that we too will live forever. That fact of faith allows us to rest here and now and enjoy our moments with you here while we have them here. After all, we have forever to enjoy the rest! Remove fear of death in our lives and lead us to trust you for every moment. Thank you God for a Holy All Hallows Eve. Amen
All-Powerful and Ever-Living God,
Today we rejoice
in the holy men and women
of every time and place
May their prayers
bring us your forgiveness and love
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
From the Liturgy of the Hours
Other traditional prayers:
A Prayer for Protection in Christ
Almighty Father,
Even though we walk
through the valley of
the shadow of death,
we fear no evil,
for Your Son
our Lord Jesus Christ,
has conquered
evil and death,
illuminating even the darkest valley.
Therefore, we beg you:
Protect us from the enemy,
Defend us from all evil,
and give us the grace,
to walk in the light of your Son,
who lives and reigns,
with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever. Amen
David Bennett
And just for fun:
Traditional Scottish Prayer
From ghoulies and ghosties
And long-leggedy beasties
And things that go bump in the night,
Good Lord, deliver us!
It was an English Catholic tradition to go begging from door to door on All Hallows Eve, the earlier and more pure form of "trick-or-treating." Children would go about begging their neighbors for a "Soul Cake," for which they would say a prayer for those neighbors' dead. Instead of trick or treat, the children would say either
A Soul Cake, a Soul Cake,
have mercy on all Christian souls for a soul cake!
Soul, soul, an apple or two,
If you haven't an apple, a pear will do,
One for Peter, two for Paul,
Three for the Man Who made us all.
For us Franciscans November 29 is when we remember our dead and the saints of the three orders. This is the Feast of All Saints of the Franciscan Order. On this day it is a custom to recite the Litany of Franciscan Saints.
Traditional Soul Cakes
A Prayer on All Hallows Eve
God, we thank you for life. We thank you for those who have lived with us and now because of your goodness live in a new way in a new place. This is a season of grief and remembrance and sadness. But because of the victory of Jesus over death, it is not a season for fear or despair. We have hope, because of Jesus’ resurrection that we too will live forever. That fact of faith allows us to rest here and now and enjoy our moments with you here while we have them here. After all, we have forever to enjoy the rest! Remove fear of death in our lives and lead us to trust you for every moment. Thank you God for a Holy All Hallows Eve. Amen
Eve of All Hallows Prayer
All-Powerful and Ever-Living God,
Today we rejoice
in the holy men and women
of every time and place
May their prayers
bring us your forgiveness and love
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
From the Liturgy of the Hours
Other traditional prayers:
A Prayer for Protection in Christ
Almighty Father,
Even though we walk
through the valley of
the shadow of death,
we fear no evil,
for Your Son
our Lord Jesus Christ,
has conquered
evil and death,
illuminating even the darkest valley.
Therefore, we beg you:
Protect us from the enemy,
Defend us from all evil,
and give us the grace,
to walk in the light of your Son,
who lives and reigns,
with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever. Amen
David Bennett
And just for fun:
Traditional Scottish Prayer
From ghoulies and ghosties
And long-leggedy beasties
And things that go bump in the night,
Good Lord, deliver us!
Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012
Senin, 29 Oktober 2012
San Antonio archbishop proposes consecration of the world to the Holy Spirit
Speaking briefly at the Synod of Bishops, the archbishop of San Antonio has proposed the consecration of the world to the Holy Spirit.
More her at Catholic World News: http://www.catholicculture.org/news/headlines/index.cfm?storyid=16065
A weekend in the life helps youth empathize with homeless
Youth at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Simpson, S.C. recently received a crash course in what it’s like to be homeless.
Twenty-eight middle and high school students and parents from the church spent a weekend outside Sept. 21-23, sleeping in cardboard boxes on the ground and relying only on donated supplies for food and hygiene.
October 29th- Blessed Thomas of Florence d. 1447
Thomas was the son of a butcher of Florence, named Bellaci. His parents raised him in the fear of God; but when he had grown to young manhood, he strayed from the path of virtue by associating with bad companions. Matters came to a point where parents warned their sons to have nothing to do with Thomas Bellaci, and it was a disgrace to be found in his company. Then a rich man in town, who was also very wicked, made Thomas his friend and used the daring young man for many a villainous act. There came a day when a grievous crime was committed in Florence, and Thomas was accused of it. Although this time he was really guiltless, his reputation put him in danger of being condemned to severe punishment.
More here: http://www.roman-catholic-saints.com/blessed-thomas-of-florence.html
Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012
Suicide Bomber Kills 8, injures 100 In Nigerian Catholic Church
This is a most unfortunate incident and is becoming more frequent in Nigeria. Here in the Oshawa area, we have a number of Nigerian priests serving in our parishes. They are very concerned about this escalation of violence in their homeland.
Please, pray for this situation.
* Christian youths kill at least two in reprisal killings
* Attacker drove jeep into packed Catholic church
* Islamist sect Boko Haram has claimed such attacks in past (Updates death toll)
By Garba Mohammed and Isaac Abrak
Read more here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/28/suicide-bomber-nigerian-church_n_2034222.html
Please, pray for this situation.
* Christian youths kill at least two in reprisal killings
* Attacker drove jeep into packed Catholic church
* Islamist sect Boko Haram has claimed such attacks in past (Updates death toll)
By Garba Mohammed and Isaac Abrak
Read more here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/28/suicide-bomber-nigerian-church_n_2034222.html
A Magnificent Organ
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange, California, has purchased the world-famous Crystal Cathedral. Once it has been remodelled for Catholic worship it will be called “Christ Cathedral”.
It was the the principal place of worship for for Crystal Cathedral Ministries, a congregation of the Reformed Church in America founded in 1955 by Robert H. Schuller.
The following video demonstrates the capabilities of its organ. The church's 273 rank, five manual pipe organ is one of the largest in the world. It will be interesting to see how the Crystal Cathedral will be remodelled.
It was the the principal place of worship for for Crystal Cathedral Ministries, a congregation of the Reformed Church in America founded in 1955 by Robert H. Schuller.
The following video demonstrates the capabilities of its organ. The church's 273 rank, five manual pipe organ is one of the largest in the world. It will be interesting to see how the Crystal Cathedral will be remodelled.
October 28th- Pope's angelus: praying for areas affected by Hurricane Sandy
Pope Benedict XVI asked all on Sunday to pray for the victims and all those affected by Hurricane Sandy, which has already killed more than twenty people across the Caribbean last week and has struck the Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti and Jamaica with particular force. The Holy Father wanted to assure all those affected by the storm of his spiritual closeness, and promised to remember the victims in prayer. Pope Benedict asked all the faithful to pray for those affected as well, and issued a general call for concrete acts of solidarity.
The hurricane is also threatening large areas of the east coast of the United States with the threat of a devastating storm surge and floods. The storm will also track over us here in Southern Ontario. possibly with periods of high winds and extensive rain.
Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012
Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012
October 26th Blessed Martyrs of the War of Spain, 1936-37
Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War is the name given to the people who were killed in the course of this conflict. To date, almost one thousand Spanish martyrs have been beatified or canonized. For some two thousand additional martyrs, the beatification process is underway.
A number of these were Franciscans. For some very thorough information about the Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War go to: http://newsaints.faithweb.com/martyrs/MSPC01.htm
Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012
Advent at Ephesus: A New Album From the Benedictines of Mary
Contemplative Nuns Secure Worldwide Distribution with Decca Classics through De Montfort Music for Advent Album.
On November 20th , Decca and De Montfort Music will release their voices to the world in ADVENT AT EPHESUS. The album features 16 tracks – a dynamic variety of traditional English and Latin hymns, polyphony, Gregorian chants and medieval harmonies. The album also includes Adjuvabit Eam, an original work of the sisters.
The tracks on the album are as follows:
1. Come Thou Redeemer of the Earth
2. Angelus ad Virginem
3. Regnantem Sempiterna
4. Gabriel's Message
5. Creator Alme Siderum
6. Hayl, Mary
7. Rorate Caeli
8. Praeparate Corda Vestra
9. O Come, O Come Emmanuel
10. Benedixisti Domime
11. Maria Walks Amid the Thorn
12. Alma Redemptoris Mater
13. Adjuvabit Eam*
14 O Come Divine Messiah
15 Vox Clara
16 Like the Dawning
* Original composition
Secular Franciscan in the US Urge Leaders to Put Respect For Human Dignity at the Centre of Issues
The Secular Franciscan Order urged U.S. business leaders and government officials, including the next U.S. president, to approach economic and political issues with the "foundational premise" that "all of creation, especially human life, has dignity and value."
Read more here at: http://www.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/1204478.htm
Meet Baselios Cleemis Thottunkal, soon to be the youngest Cardinal of the Church
Baselios Cleemis Thottunkal has served as the Major Archbishop of the Syro Malankara Church since 2007, and soon the 53 year old will become the youngest cardinal of the Catholic Church.
The Church has about 450,000 members, mainly from the Indian state of Kerala, in Southern India.
The Church has about 450,000 members, mainly from the Indian state of Kerala, in Southern India.
Meet the future Filipino Cardinal of the Church: Archbishop Luis Antonio Tagle
On November 24th, Manila's Archbishop Luis Antonio Tagle will become a cardinal of the Catholic Church. He will be one of six new cardinals appointed by Benedict XVI.
October 25th- Saint Antonio de Santa Ana (Frei Galvao) OFM Franciscan 1739-1822
Saint Anthony of Saint Ann Galvão (Santo Antônio de Sant'Anna Galvão) was a Brazilian OFM friar, popularly known as Frei Galvão. He was renowned for the many healings that he performed.
You may read more about him at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant%C3%B4nio_de_Sant%27Anna_Galv%C3%A3o
Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012
Articles from the Anglican Use Roman Catholic Blog
Kipling Cooper- Anniversary of the priesthood—19 years http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/kipling-cooper-anniversary-of.html
Recent Ordinations in Australia: Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross
All Souls Novena Begins October 24th http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/all-souls-novena-begins-october-24th.html
Wednesday Prayer for the Faithful Departed http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/wednesday-prayer-for-faithful-departed.html
October 24- St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop and Confessor http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/october-24-st-anthony-mary-claret.html
A Wednesday Tradition: Choral Evensong http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/a-wednesday-tradition-choral-evensong.html
Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012
All the Churches Desecrated in Aleppo, Syria
Fr. Stephen Smuts reports in his blog:
The Chaldean Catholic bishop of Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, told an audience at Parliament in London that the city is in “chaos.”
Christians “have fled their homes because of the threat of bombs, they have lost their livelihoods; schools, hospitals and other public services do not function,” said Bishop Antoine Audo, a Jesuit who has led his eparchy (Eastern-rite diocese) of 35,000 Chaldean Catholics since 1992.
“80% of people have no job and have no option but to stay at home,” he added. “Poverty is getting very serious, especially with rising prices and no salaries. The face of the city has changed. There is no security, everything is dirty, there are difficulties in basic travel, no taxis, no buses.”
“In the city of Homs, home to what was the country’s second-largest Christian community, all but a few of the faithful were forced to leave after a wave of persecution—all the churches desecrated,” he continued.

Other Articles
From Our Brothers and Sisters of the Anglican Use Roman Catholic Sodality of Christ the King- Kersitos Ne Korah:Kowa ( Mohawk Territory) on the Canonization of St. Kateri Tekawitha
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/from-our-brothers-and-sisters-at.html
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and a Catholic Heart Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/st-elizabeth-ann-seton-and-catholic.html
Sample of the Liturgy of the Eucharist in the Anglican Use Catholic Sodality of the Good Shepherd, Oshawa
From the Toronto Latin Mass Society (Una Voce) Advance Notices- Solemn Mass for the Immaculate Conception (December 8th) and the Rorate Mass(December 15th)
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/advance-notices-solemn-mass-for.html
October 23rd- Saint James of Jerusalem, Brother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and Martyr, C. 62
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/also-on-october-23rd-saint-james-of.html
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/from-our-brothers-and-sisters-at.html
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and a Catholic Heart Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/st-elizabeth-ann-seton-and-catholic.html
Sample of the Liturgy of the Eucharist in the Anglican Use Catholic Sodality of the Good Shepherd, Oshawa
From the Toronto Latin Mass Society (Una Voce) Advance Notices- Solemn Mass for the Immaculate Conception (December 8th) and the Rorate Mass(December 15th)
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/advance-notices-solemn-mass-for.html
October 23rd- Saint James of Jerusalem, Brother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and Martyr, C. 62
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/also-on-october-23rd-saint-james-of.html
Senin, 22 Oktober 2012
Iconographic Writing at Optina
An example of icon painting at the Monastery of Optina in Russia. Even to observe an icon being painted by the artist is a spiritual experience.
For the future of New Evangelization, look to Ukraine
“I have seen the future of the New Evangelization, and its name is the Ukrainian Catholic University.”
Back in 1974, music writer John Landau achieved immortality after attending a set in the Harvard Square Theatre by a then-obscure act out of New Jersey, and declaring: “I have seen the future of rock and roll, and its name is Bruce Springsteen.”
In a similar vein, let me say here and now: “I have seen the future of the New Evangelization, and its name is the Ukrainian Catholic University.”
Continued here: http://sainteliaschurch.blogspot.ca/2012/10/for-future-of-new-evangelization-look.html
Benedict XVI: the key issues of dialogue and ecumenism
Pope's Address to Recipients of the Ratzinger Prize
Venerable Brothers,
illustrious Ladies and Gentlemen,
dear brothers and sisters!
I am happy to offer my greeting to all of you who have come for this ceremony. I thank Cardinal Ruini for his remarks along with Monsignor Scotti who introduced this gathering. I warmly congratulate Prof. Daley and Prof. Brague, who by their personalities illustrate this initiative in its second edition. And here I mean "personality" in the full sense: the character of the research and the whole scientific endeavor; the precious service of teaching, which both have undertaken for many years; but also their being, naturally in in different ways - one a Jesuit, the other a married layman - working in the Church, active in offering their qualified contribution to the Church's presence in today's world.
Continued here: http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=121957
Card. Rouco on the New Evangelization: The Christian formation of families is essential
“Maybe the methods of preaching, faith formation, catechesis, Christian initiation, are not enough. There are many initiatives and movements that want to help us reach these goals. For example the Neocatechumenal Way or Catholic Charismatic movements that try and promote the religion in every day life, in culture and education.”
October 23rd- St. John of Capistrano First Order Franciscan Priest 1385-1456
Illumination Depicting St. John of Capistrano Circa 1470
Toward the end of the 14th century the kingdom of Naples was the scene of many wars. Among those who had been drafted to serve in the army was a German knight - others say he came from France - who married a young woman of great piety in Capistrano and then took up his abode there. St. John was born of these parents on June 24, 1385, and was later identified as Capistran, from Capistrano, the place of his birth.
More here: http://www.franciscan-sfo.org/sts/S1023john.htm
October 22nd- Blessed John Paul II
Today, October 22, the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast Day of Blessed John Paul II. To mark the occasion, thousands of letters that were sent to the Pope during the last months of his life, are being displayed at the Museum of Love Letters in Torrevecchia, which is about 125 miles from Rome.
October 22nd- St. Peter of Alcantara, Priest, First Order * Outside of the U.S., he is celebrated on October 19
St. John of Capistrano Appears to St. Peter of Alcantara
Peter was born at Alcantara in Spain in 1499. Already as a child he manifested a remarkable gift of prayer, so that at times, when he became absorbed in prayer, the servants were unable to get any response from him.
Continued here: http://www.franciscan-sfo.org/sts/S1022alca.htm
Articles: Anglican Use of the Roman Catholic Church
Sharing the Patrimony With the Wider Catholic Church
These may be of some interest to those "traditional minded" Roman Catholics. or those just curious what this Ordinariate business is all about. Certainly, a number of articles, may provide practical information for use within any Catholic Church ie. thuribles, bells etc.
Absolutions of the Dead: Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/absolution-of-dead.html
Synods in the Anglican (Use) Tradition: Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/patrimonial-aspects-synods-in-anglican.html
The Annual Vestry Meeting: Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/patrimonial-aspects-annual-vestry.html
St. Kateri and Her Connection to the Anglican Use in Canada: Click here- http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/popes-homily-on-kateri-tekakwitha-first.html
How to Clean a Thurible: Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/another-useful-article-how-to-clean.html
Services at the Oshawa Sodality: Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/services-at-good-shepherd.html
Balance Within the Ordinariate: Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/balance-within-ordinariate.html
The Sarum Rite: Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/the-sarum-rite.html
The Altar Bell During Mass: Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/patrimonial-aspects-bells-tutorial.html
These may be of some interest to those "traditional minded" Roman Catholics. or those just curious what this Ordinariate business is all about. Certainly, a number of articles, may provide practical information for use within any Catholic Church ie. thuribles, bells etc.
Absolutions of the Dead: Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/absolution-of-dead.html
Synods in the Anglican (Use) Tradition: Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/patrimonial-aspects-synods-in-anglican.html
The Annual Vestry Meeting: Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/patrimonial-aspects-annual-vestry.html
St. Kateri and Her Connection to the Anglican Use in Canada: Click here- http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/popes-homily-on-kateri-tekakwitha-first.html
How to Clean a Thurible: Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/another-useful-article-how-to-clean.html
Services at the Oshawa Sodality: Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/services-at-good-shepherd.html
Balance Within the Ordinariate: Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/balance-within-ordinariate.html
The Sarum Rite: Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/the-sarum-rite.html
The Altar Bell During Mass: Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/patrimonial-aspects-bells-tutorial.html
Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012
Pope's Homily on Seven New Saints
Dear Brother Bishops,
Dear brothers and sisters!
Today the Church listens again to these words of Jesus, spoken by the Lord during his journey to Jerusalem, where he was to accomplish the mystery of his passion, death and resurrection. They are words which enshrine the meaning of Christ’s mission on earth, marked by his sacrifice, by his total self-giving. On this third Sunday of October, on which we celebrate World Mission Sunday, the Church listens to them with special attention and renews her conviction that she should always be fully dedicated to serve mankind and the Gospel, after the example of the One who gave himself up even to the sacrifice of his life.
Continued here: http://www.zenit.org/article-35779?l=english
Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012
October 21st- Blessed Josephine Leroux, Virgin, Martyr, Second Order Franciscan
Martyr of the French Revolution
Josephine entered the convent of the Poor Clares at Valenciennes when she was 22 years old. In 1770 she made her vows. Then the French Revolution broke out, and the religious were rudely driven from their convents. Josephine at first returned to her family. But when Valenciennes was captured by the Austrians, Josephine could not resist the impulse to return to the enclosure. However, the convent of the Poor Clares at Valenciennes had not yet been rebuilt, and she took refuge in the convent of the Ursulines, where her own sister lived.
Posts on the Anglican Use Roman Catholic Blog
Sharing the Patrimony With the Wider Catholic Church and Other Aspects
1) Masses at Good Shepherd- http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/masses-at-good-shepherd.html
2) Patrimonial Aspects: The Thurifer's Guide- http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/patrimonial-aspects-thurifers-guide.html
3) The Thurible of All Thuribles: The Botafumeiro of Santiago di Compostela- http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/the-thurible-of-all-thuribles.html
4) Vaughn Williams-Five Mystical Songs- The Call- http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/vaughan-williams-five-mystical-songs.html
5) South Carolina Diocese Defecting From the Episcopal Church: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/south-carolina-diocese-defecting-from.html
6) The Electric Burner- The Thurifer's Best Friend- http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/the-electric-burner-thurifers-best.html
7) The Phos Hilaron- An Ancient Hymn for Inclusion in the Office of Evening Prayer- http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/the-phos-hilarion.html
1) Masses at Good Shepherd- http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/masses-at-good-shepherd.html
2) Patrimonial Aspects: The Thurifer's Guide- http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/patrimonial-aspects-thurifers-guide.html
3) The Thurible of All Thuribles: The Botafumeiro of Santiago di Compostela- http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/the-thurible-of-all-thuribles.html
4) Vaughn Williams-Five Mystical Songs- The Call- http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/vaughan-williams-five-mystical-songs.html
5) South Carolina Diocese Defecting From the Episcopal Church: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/south-carolina-diocese-defecting-from.html
6) The Electric Burner- The Thurifer's Best Friend- http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/the-electric-burner-thurifers-best.html
7) The Phos Hilaron- An Ancient Hymn for Inclusion in the Office of Evening Prayer- http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/the-phos-hilarion.html
Oct 20 - Blessed Contardo Ferrini Third Order Secular Franciscan 1859-1902
The city of Milan was abounded in men of learning and virtue. Our present age has revealed a new star there, which is destined to show an amazed modern generation that profound learning and humble faith can well go hand in hand.
Contardo Ferrini was born of a distinguished family on April 4, 1859. When he was still a student in high school and college he encouraged his companions to lead good lives and exercised a kind of lay apostolate among them. After winning his doctorate in law, he obtained a government scholarship to study abroad. He went to Berlin, where he studied Roman-Byzantine law, a field in which he achieved international fame. In the capital of the German empire prejudices against Catholics did not keep Professor Ferrini from publicly professing his faith. On returning to Italy, he taught in various higher institutions of learning and eventually at the University of Paris.
Contardo Ferrini was born of a distinguished family on April 4, 1859. When he was still a student in high school and college he encouraged his companions to lead good lives and exercised a kind of lay apostolate among them. After winning his doctorate in law, he obtained a government scholarship to study abroad. He went to Berlin, where he studied Roman-Byzantine law, a field in which he achieved international fame. In the capital of the German empire prejudices against Catholics did not keep Professor Ferrini from publicly professing his faith. On returning to Italy, he taught in various higher institutions of learning and eventually at the University of Paris.
Continued here: http://www.franciscan-sfo.org/sts/S10other.htm#Oct_20
Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012
Declared ‘miracle’ by Catholic Church, Jake Finkbonner takes in stride his role in Kateri’s sainthood
The seventh-grader whose recovery from a deadly bacterial infection was deemed a miracle by the Roman Catholic Church, cementing the decision to name the first Native American saint, doesn’t spend a lot of time thinking about it at his parochial school in Bellingham, Wash.
Read the rest here: http://www.thenewstribune.com/2012/10/18/2336822/declared-miracle-by-catholic-church.html
Read more here: http://www.thenewstribune.com/2012/10/18/2336822/declared-miracle-by-catholic-church.html#storylink=cpy
St. Marianne Cope, the woman who received a piano from Robert Louis Stevenson
She was a member of the Sisters of St. Francis of Syracuse, New York. She was known for her charitable works and virtuous deeds, spening many years caring for the lepers on the island on Molokai, Hawaii. Sister Marianne Cope assisted the "Leper Priest", St. Damian in his work and mission. In 1888, she moved to Kalaupapa, both to care for the dying Father Damien who had contracted leprosy and to continue the mission among the lepers.
She is to be elevated to the rank of sainthood by Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday October 21, 2012.
Mother Marianne Cope in her youth
With the Deceased Father Damian
October 19th- St. Peter of Alcantara, Priest, Religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1512
Peter was born at Alcantara in Spain in 1499. Already as a child he manifested a remarkable gift of prayer, so that at times, when he became absorbed in prayer, the servants were unable to get any response from him.
At the University of Salamanca Saint Peter of Alcantara resolved to join the Franciscan Order. The tempter left nothing undone to depict the comfortable life he could lead in the world and still have time for the practices of piety, but humble prayer overcame the seductions of the evil one.
Peter set out for the quiet convent of Monjarez. On the way our Lord gave him a signal assurance of his vocation.
Posts From Anglican Use Blog
Sharing the Patrimony With the Wider Catholic Church
Ubi Caritas- The Choir of King's College, Cambridge, sing Duruflé's famous setting of 'Ubi Caritas' at the televised version of the Carols from Kings. It was recorded between 2000-2002.
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/ubi-caritas.html
The Office of Verger (continued)- An elaboration on the duties of the verger with an amusing element
October 19th- St. Jean de Brebeuf and Companions- reading and prayer
Holy Smoke-
Incensation of the Altar at the Magnificat in the Solemn Vespers of the Exultation of the Cross. Merton College Chapel, Oxford University. Quotes from "The Parson's Handbook" and "Prayer Book Rubrics Expanded"
Ubi Caritas- The Choir of King's College, Cambridge, sing Duruflé's famous setting of 'Ubi Caritas' at the televised version of the Carols from Kings. It was recorded between 2000-2002.
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/ubi-caritas.html
The Office of Verger (continued)- An elaboration on the duties of the verger with an amusing element
October 19th- St. Jean de Brebeuf and Companions- reading and prayer
Holy Smoke-
Incensation of the Altar at the Magnificat in the Solemn Vespers of the Exultation of the Cross. Merton College Chapel, Oxford University. Quotes from "The Parson's Handbook" and "Prayer Book Rubrics Expanded"
Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012
Hebrew Catholics
In Toronto, the The Fellowship of St. Joseph of the Association of Hebrew Catholics meets on a monthly basis. Hewbrew Catholics are Roman Catholic converts from Judaism who maintain certain elements of the Jewish tradition in their faith life. I have been interested in this Association for a number of years and may attend their Tuesday meeting for the month of October.
St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) is considered to be one of their patron saints. You may find out more about the Association of Hebrew Catholics at the following link: http://hebrewcatholic.org/
St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) is considered to be one of their patron saints. You may find out more about the Association of Hebrew Catholics at the following link: http://hebrewcatholic.org/
Monthly Meeting of The Fellowship of St. Joseph of the Association of Hebrew Catholics. Blessed Trinity Parish, 3220 Bayview Avenue, Toronto. The Fellowship of St. Joseph of the Association of Hebrew Catholics invites everyone to monthly Tuesday night meetings. Tuesday, October 30 - We will view a PowerPoint on "The Mass of the Early Believers" using documents from the early Church Fathers and other early Catholic literature regarding the Sacrifice of the Mass. Come and learn what the early Church believed and practised in their worship and how it is so similar to what we believe and practise today. The continuity over two thousand years is testimony that the Holy Spirit is "alive and well" in the Roman Catholic Church. All meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. in the parish hall and end at approximately 9:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served. For more information please call Blessed Trinity Parish for more information at 416-226-0262. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross , pray for us. |
Parishes, lynchpin of the New Evangelization
Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC, in the United States made this statement at the end of General Congregations, ahead of the phase in which the Synod Fathers hold small group discussions. He stated that there is general agreement, among the bishops, on the importance of the parishes in the development of the New Evangelism.
Note from the Minister of St. Angela Merici Fraternity:
The challenge for us Secular Franciscans is to think of ways that we can encourage the growth of the Catholic Faith in our respective parishes and the communities where we live. Perhaps, all fraternities should give this some thought and collectively come up with creative ideas to extend the New Evangelization in their home churches and the community, at large. Let us follow our Seraphic Father, St. Francis's example in building up the Church. Let us follow the "Call of San Damiano".
If your parish is participating in activities in the Year of Faith, I encourage you to take part and, perhaps, even sponsor, or develop such activities.
Cardinal Dolan talks about how to bring the New Evangelization to the U.S.
Quotes From Cardinal Dolan:
On Homilies-
“They need to be short, the need to be on point. They need to be delivered as if one believes in it, not as if one is reading it. And you'll heard some very good things.”
Another Main Point: Persevering in the Mission of the Church
“Society itself still may have this transcendental directive that we are not ready to give it up on. We are realistic and it's threatened but we are not ready to give up on it.”
The Universal Call to Holiness
“Rather than fractioning, perhaps what best we can do is emphasize, we say the Universal call to Holiness for the Second Vatican Council, to emphasize the universal call to evangelization. That is a charge to which no one can escape, if one takes their discipleship and the Catholic faith seriously.”
On Homilies-
“They need to be short, the need to be on point. They need to be delivered as if one believes in it, not as if one is reading it. And you'll heard some very good things.”
Another Main Point: Persevering in the Mission of the Church
“Society itself still may have this transcendental directive that we are not ready to give it up on. We are realistic and it's threatened but we are not ready to give up on it.”
The Universal Call to Holiness
“Rather than fractioning, perhaps what best we can do is emphasize, we say the Universal call to Holiness for the Second Vatican Council, to emphasize the universal call to evangelization. That is a charge to which no one can escape, if one takes their discipleship and the Catholic faith seriously.”
Filipinos Are Excited- Pedro Calungsod, Young Catechist, Martyr, and New Saint of the Catholic Church
Filipinos are excited about the canonization of Pedro Calungsod. Like Saint Sebastian, the Apostle St. Peter, he was persecuted for refusing to deny the Catholic faith. His life was short, but very intense. As a catechist and only a teenager he accompanied the Jesuit missionaries to the Marian Islands.
Many were converted as a result of his actions including the daughter of a tribal chief. As a result of that action he was executed by the girl's father. Martyred for the faith at the age of 18.
Pedro Calungsod can be considered to be the patron saint of young people in the Philippines.
Articles at the Anglican Use Blog
Sharing the Patrimony with the Wider Catholic Church
1) The Feast Day of St. Luke, the Evangelist- October 18th
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/october-18th-st-luke-evangelist.html
2) Patrimonial Aspects- The Office of Verger
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/patrimonial-aspects-office-of-verger.html
3) Video of St. Telio's Church- an example of a Pre-Reformation English/ Welsh Catholic Parish Church
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/answers-to-test.html
4) Answers to the Test
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/answers-to-test.html
1) The Feast Day of St. Luke, the Evangelist- October 18th
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/october-18th-st-luke-evangelist.html
2) Patrimonial Aspects- The Office of Verger
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/patrimonial-aspects-office-of-verger.html
3) Video of St. Telio's Church- an example of a Pre-Reformation English/ Welsh Catholic Parish Church
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/answers-to-test.html
4) Answers to the Test
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/answers-to-test.html
October 18th- Blessed James of Strepar, Bishop, Religious of the Franciscan First Order, d. 1409
James was born in the 14th century of a noble Polish family of Strepar and was educated in a Christian manner by his pious parents. To escape the dangers of the world, he entered the poor order of St. Francis when he was a young man. Very soon he became distinguished among his brethren for eminent virtue, rare attainments, and zeal for the salvation of souls.
Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012
On the Ordinariate Blog
Rochester, New York Group of Anglicans (Episcopalians) to Be Received Into the Catholic Church
Click Here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/an-ordinariate-event-close-to-home.html
The Rood Screen
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/the-rood-screen.html
A Test
If you are a cradle Catholic, familiar with the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, you might pass.
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/a-test.html
Click Here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/an-ordinariate-event-close-to-home.html
The Rood Screen
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/the-rood-screen.html
A Test
If you are a cradle Catholic, familiar with the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, you might pass.
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/a-test.html
Wednesday General Audience
Pope: "Faith enables us to cooperate in building a truly humane society"
Vatican City, 17 October 2012 (VIS) - During his general audience this morning, Benedict XVI began a new series of catecheses which will cover the period of the Year of Faith. The Year, he said, is intended "to renew our enthusiasm at believing in Jesus Christ, ... to revive the joy of walking along the path He showed us, and to bear concrete witness to the transforming power of the faith".
Continue here: General Audience- Vatican Information Service
Vatican City, 17 October 2012 (VIS) - During his general audience this morning, Benedict XVI began a new series of catecheses which will cover the period of the Year of Faith. The Year, he said, is intended "to renew our enthusiasm at believing in Jesus Christ, ... to revive the joy of walking along the path He showed us, and to bear concrete witness to the transforming power of the faith".
Continue here: General Audience- Vatican Information Service
October Fraternity Newsletter
1) The Council Meeting normally scheduled for Friday November 2nd will have to be re-scheduled. Members of the Council will be notified.
2) The next General Fraternity Meeting is scheduled for Friday November 9th. There may be a change in time. All members will be notified prior to the meeting.
3) Just a reminder to members to bring face cloths and towels to the next General Meeting for the Dr. Simone Collection (Canadian Food for Children).
4) The Collection for Street People is to take place on Friday February 8, 2013, not on November 9th. Winter clothing items such as hats and gloves can be considered for purchase as well as other items that were included in the last collection.
5) Divine Mercy devotions including Stations of the Cross and novena prayers (St. Pio of Pieltrecina) will continue at St. Gertrude's Parish, Oshawa at 2 pm on Friday October 26th. The purpose is to pray for vocations to the Secular Franciscan Order.
6) Holy Hour will continue every Monday at 6 pm at St. Gregory the Great Church, Oshawa.
7) Please pray for the Commissioned Project that you support.
8) Ongoing Formation- Read Chapter 4 of "To Live as St. Francis Lived" and complete the questions.
9) Promoting SFO vocations. New cards will be issued in November, once the time of the General Meeting has been set.
10) Defund Abortion Campaign- There will be a rally at Queens Park on Tuesday October 30th between noon and 2 pm. Some members are travelling by Go Train to the rally. If you wish to attend, contact Irene McEvers.
11) Christmas Party and Dinner- It is questionable whether we can proceed with this due to the fact that the hall at St. Gregory's Church is booked solidly. Alternative arrangements will have to be made. The fraternity members will be consulted and kept informed. There is a proposal to do Christmas dinner for Fr. Joe Macdonald's people at the Berkley Street House. This is being looked into.
12) Journey to Christmas at St. Gregory's- There will be special programs offered after 7 pm evening masses on Tuesday nights on December 4th, 11th and 18th. We will view Fr. Barron's Catholicism series together. This will be followed with a 20 minute question and sharing period. It should finish by 9 pm. The December 18th session will include the communal celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation with individual confessions being provided. There will be a number of priests in the confessional. Members of the fraternity are encouraged to attend and support Fr. Bob in this endeavour.
13) Teresa has forwarded the MI newsletter to those fraternity members that belong to the Militia Immaculata. As Minister of the Fraternity and a member of the MI, I wish to make this newsletter available to all the members of the fraternity. You may be interested in attending an MI meeting to find out what this is all about. The dates, times and location of such meetings are contained in the newsletter at The Little Voice
Updates to this newsletter will be made, once they are known. If I have left anything out or members want to include other information of interest, please contact me.
News Around the Church
Ralph Martin, Lay Catholic Evangelist Reflects in the New Evangelization (Note: Ralph Martin is the Consultor for the Synod on the New Evangelization):
ROME, OCTOBER 16, 2012 (Zenit.org).- Every Baptized Catholic is called to evangelization, says Dr. Ralph Martin Consultor for the synod on New Evangelization. Read more here: http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=121902
International Theological Commission's Statement on Year of Faith
VATICAN CITY, OCT. 16, 2012 (Zenit.org).- Here is the translation of the statement released by the International Theological Commission regarding the Year of Faith. Link: http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=121903
Leader of Rescued Chilean miners Visits Pope for Year of Faith
Vatican City, Oct 16, 2012 / 12:06 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- On the second anniversary of the historic rescue of 33 workers from a mine in Chile, the group's leader attended a Mass opening the Year of Faith at the Vatican on Oct.11, thanking Pope Benedict for his prayers. Continued here: http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/leader-of-rescued-chilean-miners-visits-pope-for-year-of-faith/
Representatives of Christian Denominations Address Synod
Continued at: http://www.zenit.org/article-35750?l=english
Pope Commemorates World Food Day
Pontiff Highlights Fundamental Right of People to 'Sufficient and Healthy Nutrition' Read more at: http://www.zenit.org/article-35744?l=english
Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012
All Souls in Durham Ontario
Reminder of the Solemn Requiem Mass (Tridentine Latin Mass) for All Souls Day Friday November 2nd, 2012 (8 pm) which will celebrated at St. Isaac Jocques , Pickering. Prayers will take place at the catafalque for the Absolutions of the Dead. See the illustration below.
You may be interested
You may be interested in some posts that have been placed on the Oshawa Anglican Use (Roman Catholic) Sodality of the Good Shepherd Blog. I am continuing to post on this blog, despite deciding to take a break from Ordinariate issues while a number of issues are resolved.
1) October 17th- The Feast of Bishop Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Martyr
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/october-17th-feast-of-bishop-saint.html
2) Reminder of the Special Anglican Use Mass in Kitchener
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/reminder-of-special-anglican-use-mass.html
3)The Office of the Church for the Laity of the Anglican Use
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/the-office-of-church-for-laity-of.html
4) What Would an English Parish Church Look Like Before the Reformation?
Click here: http://oshawaordinariate.blogspot.ca/2012/10/what-would-english-parish-church-look.html
October 17th- Blessed Balthassar of Chiavari, Priest, Religious of the Franciscan First Order, d. 1490
This saintly man was a descendant of an ancient noble family. He spent his years on earth in unsullied purity. As a Franciscan he was professor of theology and then provincial of the order. He distinguished himself in all the virtues of a good religious, practiced the greatest personal severities, fasted much, and considered it a real pleasure to be accounted the last among his brethren.
O almighty God, who didst appoint Thy blessed confessor Balthassar to serve Thee worthily both in the pulpit and in the confessional, mercifully hear our prayers, and grant us through his merits and intercession, the grace to labor incessantly for the salvation of souls and produce worthy acts of virtue. Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
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