The Catholic Church unveiled a new iPad application this week, intended to keep the faithful abreast of Vatican comings-and-goings, as well as other news from the church’s missions throughout the world.
Senin, 20 Mei 2013
Jumat, 17 Mei 2013
St. Margaret of Cortona, The Franciscan Magdalene
Yesterday was the Feast of St. Margaret of Cortona. At yesterday's mass Fr. Joachim (Franciscans of the Immaculate) gave an account of her life, how she lead a sinful life in her youth, but like St. Mary Magdalene repented in an extraordinary way.
May 17 - St. Paschal of Baylon 1540-1592 Religious First Order Franciscan
Paschal was born on the feast of Pentecost in the year 1540 at Torre Hermosa in Spain. His parents were poor in worldly goods but rich in piety and Christian virtue. The child appeared to be endowed with all the gifts of the Holy Spirit in an eminent degree. He was joyfully attentive and obedient to the good lessons his parents taught him, and he so excelled other children of his age in understanding of the divine truths and zeal for virtue that everybody marveled at it.
Read more here:
Pope Francis: On the World of Finance and Money
The following is a recent talk Pope Francis gave concerning the world of finance and money. As Secular Franciscans we need to be in guard towards giving into the spirit of materialism.
Your Excellencies,
I am pleased to receive you for the presentation of the Letters accrediting you as Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Holy See on the part of your respective countries: Kyrgyzstan, Antigua and Barbuda, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Botswana. The gracious words which you have addressed to me, for which I thank you heartily, have testified that the Heads of State of your countries are concerned to develop relations of respect and cooperation with the Holy See. I would ask you kindly to convey to them my sentiments of gratitude and esteem, together with the assurance of my prayers for them and their fellow citizens.
Ladies and Gentlemen, our human family is presently experiencing something of a turning point in its own history, if we consider the advances made in various areas. We can only praise the positive achievements which contribute to the authentic welfare of mankind, in fields such as those of health, education and communications. At the same time, we must also acknowledge that the majority of the men and women of our time continue to live daily in situations of insecurity, with dire consequences. Certain pathologies are increasing, with their psychological consequences; fear and desperation grip the hearts of many people, even in the so-called rich countries; the joy of life is diminishing; indecency and violence are on the rise; poverty is becoming more and more evident. People have to struggle to live and, frequently, to live in an undignified way. One cause of this situation, in my opinion, is in the our relationship with money, and our acceptance of its power over ourselves and our society. Consequently the financial crisis which we are experiencing makes us forget that its ultimate origin is to be found in a profound human crisis. In the denial of the primacy of human beings! We have created new idols. The worship of the golden calf of old (cf. Ex 32:15-34) has found a new and heartless image in the cult of money and the dictatorship of an economy which is faceless and lacking any truly humane goal.
The worldwide financial and economic crisis seems to highlight their distortions and above all the gravely deficient human perspective, which reduces man to one of his needs alone, namely, consumption. Worse yet, human beings themselves are nowadays considered as consumer goods which can be used and thrown away. We have begun a throw away culture. This tendency is seen on the level of individuals and whole societies; and it is being promoted! In circumstances like these, solidarity, which is the treasure of the poor, is often considered counterproductive, opposed to the logic of finance and the economy. While the income of a minority is increasing exponentially, that of the majority is crumbling. This imbalance results from ideologies which uphold the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation, and thus deny the right of control to States, which are themselves charged with providing for the common good. A new, invisible and at times virtual, tyranny is established, one which unilaterally and irremediably imposes its own laws and rules. Moreover, indebtedness and credit distance countries from their real economy and citizens from their real buying power. Added to this, as if it were needed, is widespread corruption and selfish fiscal evasion which have taken on worldwide dimensions. The will to power and of possession has become limitless.
Concealed behind this attitude is a rejection of ethics, a rejection of God. Ethics, like solidarity, is a nuisance! It is regarded as counterproductive: as something too human, because it relativizes money and power; as a threat, because it rejects manipulation and subjection of people: because ethics leads to God, who is situated outside the categories of the market. These financiers, economists and politicians consider God to be unmanageable, unmanageable even dangerous, because he calls man to his full realization and to independence from any kind of slavery. Ethics – naturally, not the ethics of ideology – makes it possible, in my view, to create a balanced social order that is more humane. In this sense, I encourage the financial experts and the political leaders of your countries to consider the words of Saint John Chrysostom: “Not to share one’s goods with the poor is to rob them and to deprive them of life. It is not our goods that we possess, but theirs” (Homily on Lazarus, 1:6 –PG 48, 992D).
Dear Ambassadors, there is a need for financial reform along ethical lines that would produce in its turn an economic reform to benefit everyone. This would nevertheless require a courageous change of attitude on the part of political leaders. I urge them to face this challenge with determination and farsightedness, taking account, naturally, of their particular situations. Money has to serve, not to rule! The Pope loves everyone, rich and poor alike, but the Pope has the duty, in Christ’s name, to remind the rich to help the poor, to respect them, to promote them. The Pope appeals for disinterested solidarity and for a return to person-centred ethics in the world of finance and economics.
For her part, the Church always works for the integral development of every person. In this sense, she reiterates that the common good should not be simply an extra, simply a conceptual scheme of inferior quality tacked onto political programmes. The Church encourages those in power to be truly at the service of the common good of their peoples. She urges financial leaders to take account of ethics and solidarity. And why should they not turn to God to draw inspiration from his designs? In this way, a new political and economic mindset would arise that would help to transform the absolute dichotomy between the economic and social spheres into a healthy symbiosis.
Finally, through you, I greet with affection the Pastors and the faithful of the Catholic communities present in your countries. I urge them to continue their courageous and joyful witness of faith and fraternal love in accordance with Christ’s teaching. Let them not be afraid to offer their contribution to the development of their countries, through initiatives and attitudes inspired by the Sacred Scriptures! And as you inaugurate your mission, I extend to you, dear Ambassadors, my very best wishes, assuring you of the assistance of the Roman Curia for the fulfilment of your duties. To this end, upon you and your families, and also upon your Embassy staff, I willingly invoke abundant divine blessings.
I am pleased to receive you for the presentation of the Letters accrediting you as Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Holy See on the part of your respective countries: Kyrgyzstan, Antigua and Barbuda, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Botswana. The gracious words which you have addressed to me, for which I thank you heartily, have testified that the Heads of State of your countries are concerned to develop relations of respect and cooperation with the Holy See. I would ask you kindly to convey to them my sentiments of gratitude and esteem, together with the assurance of my prayers for them and their fellow citizens.
Ladies and Gentlemen, our human family is presently experiencing something of a turning point in its own history, if we consider the advances made in various areas. We can only praise the positive achievements which contribute to the authentic welfare of mankind, in fields such as those of health, education and communications. At the same time, we must also acknowledge that the majority of the men and women of our time continue to live daily in situations of insecurity, with dire consequences. Certain pathologies are increasing, with their psychological consequences; fear and desperation grip the hearts of many people, even in the so-called rich countries; the joy of life is diminishing; indecency and violence are on the rise; poverty is becoming more and more evident. People have to struggle to live and, frequently, to live in an undignified way. One cause of this situation, in my opinion, is in the our relationship with money, and our acceptance of its power over ourselves and our society. Consequently the financial crisis which we are experiencing makes us forget that its ultimate origin is to be found in a profound human crisis. In the denial of the primacy of human beings! We have created new idols. The worship of the golden calf of old (cf. Ex 32:15-34) has found a new and heartless image in the cult of money and the dictatorship of an economy which is faceless and lacking any truly humane goal.
The worldwide financial and economic crisis seems to highlight their distortions and above all the gravely deficient human perspective, which reduces man to one of his needs alone, namely, consumption. Worse yet, human beings themselves are nowadays considered as consumer goods which can be used and thrown away. We have begun a throw away culture. This tendency is seen on the level of individuals and whole societies; and it is being promoted! In circumstances like these, solidarity, which is the treasure of the poor, is often considered counterproductive, opposed to the logic of finance and the economy. While the income of a minority is increasing exponentially, that of the majority is crumbling. This imbalance results from ideologies which uphold the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation, and thus deny the right of control to States, which are themselves charged with providing for the common good. A new, invisible and at times virtual, tyranny is established, one which unilaterally and irremediably imposes its own laws and rules. Moreover, indebtedness and credit distance countries from their real economy and citizens from their real buying power. Added to this, as if it were needed, is widespread corruption and selfish fiscal evasion which have taken on worldwide dimensions. The will to power and of possession has become limitless.
Concealed behind this attitude is a rejection of ethics, a rejection of God. Ethics, like solidarity, is a nuisance! It is regarded as counterproductive: as something too human, because it relativizes money and power; as a threat, because it rejects manipulation and subjection of people: because ethics leads to God, who is situated outside the categories of the market. These financiers, economists and politicians consider God to be unmanageable, unmanageable even dangerous, because he calls man to his full realization and to independence from any kind of slavery. Ethics – naturally, not the ethics of ideology – makes it possible, in my view, to create a balanced social order that is more humane. In this sense, I encourage the financial experts and the political leaders of your countries to consider the words of Saint John Chrysostom: “Not to share one’s goods with the poor is to rob them and to deprive them of life. It is not our goods that we possess, but theirs” (Homily on Lazarus, 1:6 –PG 48, 992D).
Dear Ambassadors, there is a need for financial reform along ethical lines that would produce in its turn an economic reform to benefit everyone. This would nevertheless require a courageous change of attitude on the part of political leaders. I urge them to face this challenge with determination and farsightedness, taking account, naturally, of their particular situations. Money has to serve, not to rule! The Pope loves everyone, rich and poor alike, but the Pope has the duty, in Christ’s name, to remind the rich to help the poor, to respect them, to promote them. The Pope appeals for disinterested solidarity and for a return to person-centred ethics in the world of finance and economics.
For her part, the Church always works for the integral development of every person. In this sense, she reiterates that the common good should not be simply an extra, simply a conceptual scheme of inferior quality tacked onto political programmes. The Church encourages those in power to be truly at the service of the common good of their peoples. She urges financial leaders to take account of ethics and solidarity. And why should they not turn to God to draw inspiration from his designs? In this way, a new political and economic mindset would arise that would help to transform the absolute dichotomy between the economic and social spheres into a healthy symbiosis.
Finally, through you, I greet with affection the Pastors and the faithful of the Catholic communities present in your countries. I urge them to continue their courageous and joyful witness of faith and fraternal love in accordance with Christ’s teaching. Let them not be afraid to offer their contribution to the development of their countries, through initiatives and attitudes inspired by the Sacred Scriptures! And as you inaugurate your mission, I extend to you, dear Ambassadors, my very best wishes, assuring you of the assistance of the Roman Curia for the fulfilment of your duties. To this end, upon you and your families, and also upon your Embassy staff, I willingly invoke abundant divine blessings.
Kamis, 16 Mei 2013
Pope Francis elected after supernatural 'signs' in the Conclave, says Cardinal
Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, the Archbishop of Vienna, who was himself widely tipped as a possible successor to Pope Benedict, said he had personally had two “strong signs” that Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was “the chosen one” in the run up to vote.
Read more at this link: The Telegraph
Selasa, 14 Mei 2013
Permanent Exhibition of the Body of Padre Pio
The relics of the body of St. Pio of Pietrelcina will be permanently exhibited for veneration beginning on June 1.
More here at this link: OFM Capuchins
More here at this link: OFM Capuchins
Senin, 13 Mei 2013
May 11th Ministers' Meeting
The following was sent by our Regional Minister, Les Alberti ofs, in regard to the Ministers' Meeting held at the Queen of Apostles Retreat Centre on Saturday May 11th. Any materials released and shared at this meeting will be posted, soon, on this website.
May the Lord give you His peace.
The Meeting of the Ministers was a great success owing to your presence, by sending and bringing your delegates and the wonderful contribution all present made during the meeting.
I am particularly thankful to our Lord for the opportunity to break bread together during the Eucharistic Celebration, to pray as one family and to share in the enjoyment of each other's company not to speak of the wonderful meal prepared for us by the Centre. It was such a pleasure to see all the happy reunions with each other and with our National Minister, Debbie Tessier, whom we all miss a lot. Fr Peter's homily was truly inspiring and his well reasoned, helpful presentations during our regular meeting were appreciated by everyone. On your behalf I thanked the Regional Council members for their outranking contributions.
Our prayer is that this meeting provided lots of new material for your council and your Fraternity certain in the knowledge that they will be effectively used for the benefit of your members. We also hope and pray that we can soon meet again in Midland on June 23.
On behalf of the Regional Council I wish to thank you all for your love, your presence and your prayers and by making this one of the best meetings I attended.
Yours in Christ - Peace - Les
The Meeting of the Ministers was a great success owing to your presence, by sending and bringing your delegates and the wonderful contribution all present made during the meeting.
I am particularly thankful to our Lord for the opportunity to break bread together during the Eucharistic Celebration, to pray as one family and to share in the enjoyment of each other's company not to speak of the wonderful meal prepared for us by the Centre. It was such a pleasure to see all the happy reunions with each other and with our National Minister, Debbie Tessier, whom we all miss a lot. Fr Peter's homily was truly inspiring and his well reasoned, helpful presentations during our regular meeting were appreciated by everyone. On your behalf I thanked the Regional Council members for their outranking contributions.
Our prayer is that this meeting provided lots of new material for your council and your Fraternity certain in the knowledge that they will be effectively used for the benefit of your members. We also hope and pray that we can soon meet again in Midland on June 23.
On behalf of the Regional Council I wish to thank you all for your love, your presence and your prayers and by making this one of the best meetings I attended.
Yours in Christ - Peace - Les
Sabtu, 11 Mei 2013
Pope Francis to canonize Mother Laura Montoya, first Colombian saint
Click here for the report:
Pope Francis to canonize Mother Laura Montoya, first Colombian saint
Pope Francis to canonize Mother Laura Montoya, first Colombian saint
Laura Montoya Upegui was born on 26 May 1874 in Jericó, Antioquia, Colombia, the second of three children to Juan de la Crux Montoya and Dolores Upegui.
When Laura was only 2 years old, her father was killed defending his Country, and the family was left in extreme poverty after all their goods were confiscated. At such a time of deep misery and loss, Laura's mother gave an example of Christian forgiveness and fortitude that would remain impressed in her young daughter's mind and heart forever.
Read more here at this link: Vatican News
What is Joy?
“What is this joy? Is it to be happy? No, it is not the same. To be happy is good, yet joy is something more. It’s another thing. It is something which does not depend on external motivations, or on passing issues: it is more profound. It is a gift. To be 'happy' at all moments at all cost, can at the end turn into superficiality and shallowness. This leaves us without Christian wisdom, which makes us dumb, naive, right? All is joy... no. Joy is something else; it is a gift from the Lord.”
Perfect joy according to Saint Francis of Assisi
How Saint Francis, walking one day with brother Leo, explained to him what things are perfect joy.
Read this at this link:
Pope shows own spirituality in doing away with material things
May we, as Secular Franciscans, follow the example of Pope Francis, in rejecting materialism and having a genuine concern for the poor in a spirit of peace and justice.
May 11 - St. Ignatius of Laconi 1701-1781 First Order Capuchin Franciscan
Ignatius, the son of pious peasants at Laconi, Sicily, was born in 1701. As a young man he vowed, during a serious illness, that, if he recovered his health, he would consecrate his life to God in the Capuchin Order. He regained his health, but kept putting off the fulfillment of his vow from day to day. Then, as if to warn him, his life was gain threatened when a horse he was riding became shy. Ignatius called upon St. Francis renewing the vow he had previously made, and again received help. This time even his parents raised no objections.
continued here:
Jumat, 10 Mei 2013
Report from the Regional Fraternity
a) The canonical establishment of the Sacred Heart Fraternity at the Church of Our Lady of Immaculate in Guelph took place on Sunday May 5th with the express permission of the Most Reverend Douglas Crosby OMI. bishop of the Hamilton diocese.
b) The new regional secretary is Lucie Desbiens ofs, the Minister of St. Joseph the Worker
Fraternity from Port Elgin.
c) The Ministers Meeting – May 11, 2013 at the Queen of Apostles Centre in Mississauga. There are a significant number of Fraternities who will be attending with delegates. The agenda has been sent to our two delegates, Gus and Doris Legere ofs (cost of attending to be covered by the fraternity).
d) Franciscan Pilgrimage and 20th anniversary celebration at Midland Ontario. Colleen MacAlister prepared a tentative agenda. This is to take place Sunday June 23rd. (see attached agenda) There is an outline ( slightly revised ) for later arrival (10 am) and the amalgamation of certain points. Ministers will arrange the needs for travel and items for participation. We need to provide name tags, fraternal banner, food and drinks. Essentially this is a picnic setting with Holy Mass and prayers.
e) Fall mini regional meetings – A brief discussion followed concerning the set up for these meetings.The first is scheduled for Belleville for the Fraternities located from Kingston to Oshawa and will take place on October 5th. There are significant new topics for discussion at the local level.
f) Syrian Donations- The Regional per capita cost/budget is established for the operational support of the Region and can not be used for purposes of donations. Any further discussion in respect of charitable donations, the Regional Council will entertain such discussion by the local ministers at the next Chapter of Election.
g) With the conclusion of the currently scheduled activities on canonical establishments of Fraternities there remain four older Fraternities, some with misplaced charters, to be documented and two emerging fraternities. [ There is a potential for this number to increase to four (4) in the near future – further details hereunder ]. There are four new canonical charters that will shortly be activated with a fifth to follow. At the same time there are three Fraternities whose documentation does exist but required verification by the Minister Provincial of the instituting First Order in a formal document.
h) The Region has a number of dormant Fraternities whose activities could not meet the minimum.requirement for a viable Fraternity but to date no formal process was initiated to deactivate them.Within the next six to eight months closer attention will be paid to the resolution of these pending Fraternities. After a Fraternity is formally declared dormant, the existing canonical establishment document remains valid and in force for one hundred years. A decision was made to revisit the case of dormant Fraternities prior to the next Chapter of Elections.
i) Fr. Peter presented a request from two Secular Franciscan Fraternities, not currently members of the Trillium Regions, for the privilege of joining the Region. After lengthy discussion it was determined that they would be welcomed as emerging Fraternities to allow for the adoption by them the Pauline Rule of 1978. David Mitchell has been asked to be to visitor / mentor for these two fraternities.
j) The Region is required to harmonize the existing Regional Statutes with that of the renewed
National Statutes. Fr. Peter volunteered to update the statutes and to provide them at the Ministers Meeting. This will allow local Fraternities to study the proposed changes for about year. Their recommendation and approval is part of the work of the Regional Chapter of Elections in 2014.
k) A pre-election report will have to made available to the Regional Fraternity prior to our council elections at the St. Angela Merici Fraternity in November.
l) A committee for the Regional Chapter of Elections has been formed. Shortly the Regional Councilwill evaluate the potential sites for holding the Chapter. Once the venue has been established they will tell us the location and price.
m) The Region received an invitation form the Eastern Region to attend at their annual retreat in Cacouna, PQ. August 2 to 4. A decision was made in Council to send representatives to listen to presentations and to forge closer ties between the English speaking Regions in Canada.
Senin, 06 Mei 2013
Permohonan Maaf
Mohon maaf beberapa bulan ini situs resmi PAPS St. Yosef Ngawi tidak melakukan posting dikarenakan kesibukan admin. Semoga Bulan depan akan segera aktif kembali ^_^
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