

Senin, 13 Mei 2013

May 11th Ministers' Meeting

The following was sent by our Regional Minister, Les Alberti ofs,  in regard to the Ministers' Meeting held at the Queen of Apostles Retreat Centre on Saturday May 11th. Any materials released and shared at this meeting will be posted, soon, on this website.

May the Lord give you His peace.

The Meeting of the Ministers was a great success owing to your presence, by sending and bringing your delegates and the wonderful contribution all present made during the meeting.

I am particularly thankful to our Lord for the opportunity to break bread together during the Eucharistic Celebration, to pray as one family and to share in the enjoyment of each other's company not to speak of the wonderful meal prepared for us by the Centre. It was such a pleasure to see all the happy reunions with each other and with our National Minister, Debbie Tessier, whom we all miss a lot. Fr Peter's homily was truly inspiring and his well reasoned, helpful presentations during our regular meeting were appreciated by everyone. On your behalf I thanked the Regional Council members for their outranking contributions.

Our prayer is that this meeting provided lots of new material for your council and your Fraternity certain in the knowledge that they will be effectively used for the benefit of your members. We also hope and pray that we can soon meet again in Midland on June 23.

On behalf of the Regional Council I wish to thank you all for your love, your presence and your prayers and by making this one of the best meetings I attended.

Yours in Christ - Peace - Les

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