

Sabtu, 27 April 2013

April 27th- St. Zita of Lucca, Virgin, Third Order Secular Francican

Incorrupt body of St. Zita in the basilica of San Frediano; Lucca, Italy


Born in the early 13th century to a poor but religious family at Mont Sagrati, a village near Lucca in Italy. St. Zita was brought up by her virtuous mother. Her older sister entered a Cistercian convent and her Uncle Graziano was a hermit regarded as a saint by people in the area. Great attention was given to the task of instructing her daughter in the faith and to instill the love of God in the fertile soil or her daughters lender heart. By the age of seven, Zita found pleasure in nothing but doing God’s will. Her mother reinforced her lessons by saying, "This is most pleasing to God: this is the divine will", or, "That would displease God." As she grew, Zita was noted for her happy disposition, her sweetness and modesty, she spoke only when necessary, worked very hard and prayed without interruption. At twelve Zita was sent to Lucca to work as a servant in the house of a rich weaver. The Fatinelli house was next to the church of St. Frediano. Praising and thanking God for the opportunity to serve others obediently in humble house work Zita was grateful that her position provided all the necessities of life allowing her to avoid the worry caused by a less secure life. She considered her tasks to be a gift from God, and an opportunity for total obedience and joyful penance. From the first, Zita tried to anticipate what her employers would want her to do for them.

Despite her dedication to her work, Zita was, for many years, taunted and disliked by her fellow servants for being affected and proud and was distrusted by her master and mistress as well. She never complained about the urjust treatment or the overwork, but was able to maintain her sweet disposition, her meekness and charity and her devotion to her duties. Eventually, when her virtues came to be valued by the Fatinelli household, Zita was fearful that it would be a snare for her Soul. Her sincere humility and modesty prevented her worst fears from being realized. Her life continued to be one of devotion to God and to the smallest detail of her duties. Zita was promoted to the position or Housekeeper with the full confidence of her employers. She was scrupulous in every task remembering that she had to give an account to God for the way she spent every penny and every minute of the day.. Signor Fatinelli seeing his assets multiply as a result of Zita's industry, gave her control of her work schedule and even allowed her to have great influence over him and his family. Given to great anger, he would often calm down upon a single word from her. Knowing that Zita gave away most of her meager belongings to the poor, Signor Fatinelli gave her permission to distribute some of his funds as alms, which she did with great discretion always keeping him informed.

Zita believe that God would grant security and special blessings on the household In which the family and staff were pious, faithful to their duties, punctual, modest in speech and manner and set a good example for others. She said, "A servant cannot be holy if she is not busy". She treated all the staff with kindness never seeking revenge for the years of mistreatment at their hands, and excusing shortcomings although she could be severe in dealing with instances of evil and sinful behavior.
Rising several hours before the rest of the household, she had time to pray and to attend Mass before her day's work began - a day filled with work and continual mental prayer and meditation. She fasted all year, slept on the bare floor or on a board and prayed continuously during her work day, never complaining or procrastinating or speaking disparagingly of others. Whenever she had a little leisure, she went to a small attic room where she could spend time in quiet prayer and contemplation. Word spread throughout Lucca about her visits to the sick, to those in Prison, her good deeds and her heavenly vision and she was sought out by made people, rich and poor alike. 

St. Zita was always moved to tears when she received the Eucharist and experienced ecstasies at Mass or during her prayers. She foretold her own death, and after receiving the last sacraments, died on the 27th of April, in 1278 at sixty years of age The people of Lucca proclaimed her a saint and 150 miracles attributed to her intercession have been approved. Dante's (Inferno XI 38) refers to the city of Lucca simply as St. Zita. Her body was found incorrupt in 1580 and is enshrined in St. Frediano's Church in Lucca next to the Fatinelli house where she lived and worked for 48 years. Her face and hands are exposed to view through a crystal glass. To this day, the city of Lucca pays great veneration to her memory as well as to the memory of St. Ferdiano, an Irishman who converted Lucca to Christianity. It is interesting that St. Zita, the second patron saint or Lucca, is buried in the church of that city’s first patron saint, both having witnessed to Christ throughout their lives. on April 27th, her feast day, everyone in Lucca brings bouquets of blessed narcissus to her crystal coffin laying in state in the Cathedral dedicated to St. Martin, (the third patron saint of the city) - pictures and paintings of her showing her miracles are everywhere. St. Zita was beatified and devotion to her approved by Pope Innocent XII in 1696.


Hear us, O God, our Saviour, and grant that as we are gladdened by the festival of Blessed Zita, Thy virgin, so we may learn from it loving devotion toward Thee. Through Christ Our Lord.


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