

Jumat, 09 November 2012

November 10- St. Louis Guanella, Priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1915

 Luigi Guanella was a Catholic priest who was also a Third Order Secular. He was from Northern Italy and founded several religious institutes such as the Daughters of St. Mary of Providence 1890, the Servants of Charity in Como on March 24, 1908, with the help of his friends David Albertario and Giusseppi Toniolo. He also founded  the Pious Union of St. Joseph in 1914 with the help his supporter and first member Pope Pius X . He had a great concern for the needs of the poor and this resulted in the formation of religious communities who provided for their needs throughout the world. The Servants of Charity motto reads In Omnibus Charitas – In all things Love.

Father Guanella was beatified in 1964 by Pope Paul VI and canonized a saint on October 23, 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI. The miracle needed for his canonization was the healing of a young man, William Glisson , from the United States who had fallen over a hole and hit his head while skating backward without a helmet, rollerblading down the Baltimore Pike in Springfield, Pennsylvania. He was in serious condition needing two separate skull surgeries and was in a coma for nine days with a grave prognosis. However, after a doctor who was a family friend gave Glisson's mother two relics of the future saint, he recovered. Glisson was released from the hospital less than a month after the accident and returned to work just seven months later.

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