

Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Advent at Ephesus: A New Album From the Benedictines of Mary

  Contemplative Nuns Secure Worldwide Distribution with Decca Classics through De Montfort Music for Advent Album.

On November 20th , Decca and De Montfort Music will release their voices to the world in ADVENT AT EPHESUS. The album features 16 tracks – a dynamic variety of traditional English and Latin hymns, polyphony, Gregorian chants and medieval harmonies. The album also includes Adjuvabit Eam, an original work of the sisters.

The tracks on the album are as follows:

1. Come Thou Redeemer of the Earth
2. Angelus ad Virginem
3. Regnantem Sempiterna
4. Gabriel's Message
5. Creator Alme Siderum
6. Hayl, Mary
7. Rorate Caeli
8. Praeparate Corda Vestra
9. O Come, O Come Emmanuel
10. Benedixisti Domime
11. Maria Walks Amid the Thorn
12. Alma Redemptoris Mater
13. Adjuvabit Eam*
14 O Come Divine Messiah
15 Vox Clara
16 Like the Dawning
* Original composition

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