

Minggu, 04 November 2012

Coptic Orthodox in Egypt Choose a New Spiritual Leader

This is a rather unique way of selecting a new religious leader for the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt. In a colourful ceremony in a Cairo Cathedral the successor to Pope Shenouda III, who died in March of this year, a blindfolded altar boy reached into a crystal chalice  to select the slip of parchment that would contain the name of the new pope.

There was a moment of silence, when the boy (himself chosen by a lottery) was led to the chalice. His face was covered with a dark blue cloth, decorated with various religious symbols. It is believed that his hand was guided by God to choose the successor to Pope Shenouda III. Reaching into the vessel, he pulled out the name of Bishop Tawadros.

On Nov. 18 he will be ordained as Pope Tawadros II, the 118th pope of the ancient Coptic Orthodox Church.

He faces the daunting task of leading a church that faces many challenges in a Muslim dominated country.

Let us pray for the success of this brother in Christ as far as his work and mission is concerned.

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