

Selasa, 06 November 2012

November 7th- St. Didacus of Alcala c. 1400-1463 and Blessed Helen of Arcella, Virgin (1208 - 1242)

Didacus was born about 1400 at San Nicolas in Andalusia, of poor and God-fearing parents. He entered the Third Order of St. Francis when he had scarcely reached young manhood, and under the direction of a devout Tertiary priest, he served God for a long time as a hermit. Consumed with the desire for still greater perfection, he later entered the Franciscan convent at Arizafa in Castile and was there admitted to solemn vows as a lay brother.

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 Almighty and eternal God, who in Thy wonderful condescension hast chosen the weak of this world top confound the strong, mercifully grant to our lowliness, that through the pious intercession of Thy holy confessor St. Didacus, we may deserve to be raised to eternal glory in heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Also this day:  

Blessed Helen of Arcella, Virgin (1208 - 1242)

This blessed virgin was of the illustrious family of Enselmini. Filled with heavenly grace, she consecrated her virginity to God when scarcely twelve years old, in the convent of Poor Clares, which had been founded in her country not long before by our Seraphic Father himself. Her guide in the way of perfection was the miracle-worker of the age, St. Anthony of Padua; under whose saintly direction she soon attained to the highest degree of perfection. Her humility, angelic purity, ardent love of penance and of prayer, her tender and affectionate devotion to the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, and her heroic fortitude in the tedious and painful sufferings she endured, made her a perfect example of holiness to her Sisters, and her fame was spread through the whole country by reason of the favours which God bestowed upon her. Towards the end of the year 1242 her soul departed to be for ever with Him in heaven Whom only she had loved on earth. Fresh miracles confirmed the opinion that had always been entertained of her sanctity, and from the time of her death, her body, which remained supple and in a perfect state of preservation, became an object of public veneration. Innocent XII. sanctioned this devotion, and allowed the children of St. Francis to say the Office of Blessed Helen.


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